Introduction To Chef Klasky
Hello!!! I am Chef Kevin Klasky, welcome to my website dedicated to foodies and the never ending pursuit of the elusive food orgasm or as I like to call it the “FOODGASM!”

 I have been working in restaurant kitchens since I was 15 years old. I received culinary training from Le Cordon Bleu and I love to cook. After culinary school I opened my own catering company and eventually “sold out” and went into running kitchens for large corporate chains, which I actually enjoy quite a bit. I would however like to get back to my culinary roots and the world I love. With that said I bring you my site. 

This is not your ordinary blog site. This is the whole shebang! I will not only be writing about food and recipes, but I will also being doing restaurant reviews, offering wine parings and more.

I invite you to join me in my search of the “FOODGASM!”  

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